#604 Trumpeter Swan


Hi everyone-

Hope you had a great weekend. I spent much of mine coordinating a transfer of data from my external storage devices to my newly purchased DroboPro storage device.

The transfer went smoothly and has greatly improved the state of my image storage. Going from 9 external drives to one was fantastic. As well it will allow me to create a much more effective back up process.

This was a long time coming and should have been competed years ago, but it's finally done! Along with the transfer I revisited my filing system and cleaned that up a bit. That will will make my work flow much smoother as well as improving the flow of back ups from now on.

Today's image was shot this past fall on the National Elk Refuge outside of Jackson, Wyoming. Although I am not big on bird photography I do enjoy watching the Trumpeter Swans that frequent this area. They are a very graceful animal.

Have a great day!
