Powwow TinType II...


Today's image is my second try at recreating the look of a tintype image. I like this one a bit more than the first. There are still a few things that I would like to change.

The edges I think are still a bit polariod looking. I am going to work on those in the next few that I work on.

On another note thanks to all those who have emailed or called to check on me. I am still hurtin pretty good but doing fine. Today I have an appointment with the ortho and with my asthma doctor. My hip has continued to hurt but today when I woke up the rest of the body had caught up in soreness.

So more resting and working up images while I watch TV I suppose. Not much else that I can do.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talkin about I took a fall down a flight of steps while working a house fire Monday night. It was promtly followed by an asthma attack. It was great fun! Also thanks to the guys from Lifeteam EMS and to the staff at Harrisburg Hosptial, they were great. Also thanks to the brothers at the firehouse for taking care of my gear!


Debra Trean said...

I really really really like this image I like everything about it !!!!
