#617 The Move Is Underway...


Hi everyone-

Well The move to the new format and blog has begun. It's not completely ready yet but its ready enough to do a soft opening.

Currently the blog is located at www.brianbastinelli.net That is due to a domain ownership issue that I am currently going through with Bludomain.

I will post more about that after the issue is resolved. Which I hope to be soon. I would like to have my main address remain www.brianbastinelli.com.

Stay tuned on that and I'll definitely let you know what the final address of the new site will be.

In the mean time PLEASE take a look around and give me your feedback on the new site. As I said it is hardly complete but I hope to have ti ready by early next week.

Your feedback on its functionality, look and anything else you'd like to add is really important to me so please check it out and let me know what you think.

Thanks and have a great day!!


BrianMacc said...

Looking good, easy navigation and it's clean.