#414- Rockin' at the Warehouse



Hi everyone-

It's a rainy dreary day here in PA but mine is full of sunshine because Cree and I have a big day planned. We have to go to the store, to get Cree's haircut, lunch at Quizno's of course and what ever else we can get into. It should be a good day.

Today's image was shot at the Warehouse along River Street in Savannah, GA last May. I am really starting to think that I need to head back down there soon. I love that town and its been a few months since I've been there. Maybe once the weather gets a little better...

I made some major adjustments to the image as you can see by comparing it to the raw file below. I didn't like that background the way it was so I changed it a bit, then I added some textures and a slight border. I also added a few adjustment layers to change the look of the image a bit.

Hope you have a great day!

Here's the original RAW file:



Steve M said...

have been out of town (shooting in AZ) so only now getting a chance to see the most recent series of images-great set. really enjoying the breadth of work you've been posting-thought i liked the west pics best but then these appear--all good. also, wanted to send along a big Congrats!! on being selected as one of the "emerging photogs" in the NAPP magazine-was reading the current issue on the plane home and saw the article and images. Outstanding!!