#446- Photoshop World- Boston


Hey everyone-

This past week I had the honor of having some of my images on display in the Mpix booth at the Photoshop World Conference in Boston. There was a large one on the wall and several books of my work on display in other areas of the booth.

I was really honored to have my work chosen and to be displayed with some really great photographers. I'd like to thank John Rank from Mpix for contacting me and selecting my work to display.

Photoshop World was great, I just wish I had more time to take in some of the great classes.

In the first image you can see the main backdrop of the booth and my image "Burn Day" in the lower right corner.

Here's me holding one of the very cool books that Mpix created of the images I sent them.

Here's one of the books on display in the booth.

Even thought he trip to Boston was really short and went by quickly I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting the Mpix team. I will post a few other highlights from the trip as the week goes on.

Have a great day!!


Barry Armer said...

Hey Brian! Did you see my book in the Mpix booth? Heck no you didn't cause they didn't want any of my lame photos! :-)


Nick said...

Great Oxbow cover.